
SubUrbanisms: Casino Urbanization, Chinatowns, and the Contested American Landscape
The Lyman Allyn Art Museum Press, 2014
Winner of the CCAPA Media Award (CT Chapter, American Planning Association)
AASLH Leadership in History, Award of Merit (American Association of State and Local History)
CLHO Award of Merit (CT League of History Organizations)
With contributions from:
Stephen Fan, Director, S!Fan, NY; Independent Curator (Editor)
Abigail Van Slyck, Dayton Professor of Art History at Connecticut College, and the 2014 President of the Society of Architectural Historians
Ellen Pader, Associate Professor of Regional Planning, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, MA
Chloe Taft, American Studies PhD Candidate, Yale University; Lecturer, Lake Forest College, IL
Aron Chang, Architect, Waggonner & Ball, LA
Shane Keaney, Art Director, Column Five, NY
Cultures of Congestion: Overcoming Overcrowded CoLiving
New York: Museum of Chinese in America, 2015
Sub-Urban Casino Company Towns/Chinatowns
in Urban China, 79. Shanghai: China Publishing Group, 2017
"Mohegan Sun"
in Gabrielle Esperdy, Ed. Society of Architectural Historian’s Buildings of Connecticut
(University of Virginia Press, Forthcoming)
"NYCHA Live/Work: Incubating Affordable Workspaces within Affordable Housing Communities"
in Live/Work for the Workforce. New York: Institute for Public Architecture, 2019
in Work Force. New York: Urban Design Forum, Forthcoming
"House of Cards"
in On the Town: A Performa Compendium. Ed. Charles Aubin and Roselee Goldberg. New York: Gregory R. Miller & Company, 2021
A View on the GSD 1, 2, 3
(London: Tank Publications, 2009, 2010, 2011)
Lodged House, Library Diagrids, Bridging the Land, Landing the Bridge
Let's Go Vietnam Second Edition
(New York: St. Martin's Press, 2007)
Let's Go New Zealand Seventh Edition
(New York: St. Martin's Press, 2006)
Let's Go Thailand Second Edition
(New York: St. Martin's Press, 2005)
Let's Go Southeast Asia Ninth Edition
(New York: St. Martin's Press, 2005)
Contributing Writer
C I T E D / I N
Garth Myers, Rethinking Urbanism: Lessons from Postcolonialism and the Global South Bristol University Press, 2020
Drew Gilpin Faust (former Harvard University President), "Memories Past and Future: Harvard's Memorial Hall"
in Civil War Places: Seeing the Conflict through the Eyes of its Leading Historians. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019
Andrew Bernheimer, "Live/Work and the Landscape of Opportunity"
in Live/Work for the Workforce. New York: Institute for Public Architecture, 2019
Christopher Wigren, "Suburban Chinatown"
in Connecticut Architecture. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2019
Ellen Pader, "Domesticity"
in Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, 2nd Ed.
Ed. by Marcel Vellinga.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.